In public space: Tuebingen, Eberhard-Karls-Universitaet: Gralsucher. 1st price in competition |
In public space: Halle/S. Paul-Riebeck-Stift: Zu Zweit/ At Two |
In public space: Ivenack Multiplying By Taking Away Marble |
In public space: Luebbenau/ Spreewald: Lebensfreude -Wem der Kamm schwillt |
In public space: Luebbenau/ Spreewald: Wasser, Du bist mir das Liebste (Ash) |
In public space: Croatia- Dignano-Vodnjan, Casa Rosina. Swimming Horses, Discover the Neighbour, Creatures in Dialogue etc. |
In public space: Erfurt, LVG Tanzende Aeste/ Dancing Boughes. 1st price in competition |
In public space: Jena Winzerla Sibylle und Schroedingers Katze. Fountain. 1st price in competition |
In public space: Jena Lobeda, Klinikum Drei Schicksalsgoettinnen. 1st price in competition |
In public space: Jena, FZL WerteGemeinschaft/ Menschliche Groesse. 1st price in competition |
In public space: Apolda, PI Gralsucher. 1st price in competition |
In public space: Erfurt, Am Ursulinenkloster Franz und der Vogel |
In public space: Weimar, Am Schloss Odins Raben und die Midgardschlange |
In public space: Poessneck, Areal of 1st Thueringer Landesgartenschau Drei Frauen |
Aktualisiert: Anne-Katrin Altwein, 18 April, 2018